Conditions of hire
Hire Policy
The commercial and community fees and charges are available on the website. Standard deposit is the base rental. Depending on the production or the nature of the event, the deposit amount can be negotiated or deducted from the ticket sales. On costs for ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre are stipulated in the Hire Agreement but generally include the following: venue preparation, front of house staff, cleaning, security, ushers etc.
Pencil bookings
Enquiries regarding availability of the theatre can be forwarded to Jordan Best, Program Manager on or 6285 6290. Please complete the expression of interest form prior to enquiring. If the venue is available a tentative booking may be made, an interim quote negotiated then finalised and a Hire Agreement provided for execution.
Tentative reservations will remain current for a maximum of 28 days prior to the first day of the reservation. If no correspondence has been entered into or discussions held between Theatre Management and the Hirer, the tentative reservation will lapse and the hirer will be notified.
However if another hirer wishes to access the same dates and a tentative booking only has been received, the first hirer will be contacted to confirm the booking – this may happen at any time and in this event the 28 days tentative booking time does not apply.
Cancellation of bookings
Cancellation of a booking will only be permitted in accordance with the following procedure.
- If the Hirer gives notice of intention to cancel more than 6 weeks prior to the date of commencement of occupancy and the venue is able to be reallocated to another hirer there will be no penalty. If the venue is unable to be reallocated 10 % of the total venue hire will be retained.
- If the Hirer gives notice of intention to cancel more than 4 weeks and less than 6 weeks prior to the date of commencement of occupancy a penalty of 50% of the total venue hire charge is payable to the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council unless or until the full period can be hired to another Hirer. If hired to another Hirer the penalty shall reduce to 25% of the total venue hire charge.
- If the Hirer gives notice of intention to cancel less than 4 weeks prior to the date of commencement of occupancy a penalty of 100% of the total venue hire charge is payable to the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council unless or until the full period can be hired to another Hirer. If hired to another Hirer the penalty shall reduce to 35% of the total venue hire charge.
Season hire
During a season of non consecutive nights, Hirers are charged for each dark or non-performance night during the season. ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre management reserves the right to accept bookings by other hirers for events which will not conflict with the original season hiring or stage set up during these periods.
Should the Hirer wish to sell programs and or merchandise from the production the company must provide their own sellers or staff will be made available by ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre and the cost will be borne by the Hirer.
A fee equal to 10% of gross receipts from the sale of merchandising items for example, programs, clothes, DVD CD posters etc is payable to the venue. This is to be paid after each performance.
Late conclusion fee
Where the Hirer vacates ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre after the specified time in the hiring agreement, a late conclusion fee will be applicable.
Additional cleaning and repairs
Should as a consequence of the Hire, there be the need for additional cleaning or repairs, then the cost of this will be charged to the Hirer. Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council reserves the right to withhold this amount from the Hirer deposit.
Chewing gum is not permitted in ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre at any time.
Event settlement
For major events a daily sales report will be provided. A final settlement figure will be provided within 28 working days after the event and the venue will furnish the Hirer with a final statement of receipts and expenses.
Hirer requirements
When a Hire Agreement is issued the prospective Hirer must inform the venue of their requirements with regard to:
Box Office – ticket sales and information
Front of House – times, seating plans and displays
Technical – cast sizes, crew lighting, sound and staging requirements.
Box office information
The Hirer shall conform with ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre policy regarding ticket booking and selling. Tickets will be sold exclusively through the Box Office unless otherwise negotiated for exceptional reasons.
The Box Office is located in the main foyer of ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre. Normal operating hours are Monday to Friday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm and 1 hour prior to the advertised commencement time of a performance to allow for door sales and collection of pre booked tickets.
In the event that the Hirer requires the Box Office to be open for longer periods, additional staff costs will be charged to the Hirer. No tickets will be sold until the deposit is paid and the appropriate box office information has been provided unless otherwise negotiated.
Booking fees
A booking fee shall apply to each ticket sold and this fee shall be charged to the purchaser of the ticket at point of sale. The Hirer is required by law to advertise the ticket price as an all inclusive price, that is, the booking fee must be included in the advertised selling price.
Complimentary tickets
All complimentary tickets incur a booking fee of $3.00 per ticket.
Credit card books
Credit card facilities are available. Patrons may use Mastercard or Visa to book for performances. A commission of 4% is payable by the Hirer to ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre for all tickets sold using credit cards.
Ticket refunds
Refunds must comply with the Entertainment Industry Code of Fair Practice. Party booking tickets are not eligible for a refund.
The duration of interval is normally 20 minutes unless otherwise agreed. The Front of House Duty Manager must be advised if there is to be an interval and of the intended interval starting time.
Recording audio and/or video
There is to be no audio and or video recording in ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre without written permission from the Program Manager. Where television transmission, filming, radio broadcasting or a recording from the theatre are approved, the following charges apply:
- A scheduled fee will be charged in addition to any direct costs for staff and facilities.
- Payment must be received prior to date of recording.
- ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre will receive a credit on the program as agreed on a case by case basis.
The Theatre is not to be used as a television studio before an invited audience without the prior approval of the Program Manager. When approval has been granted for a show to be televised filmed broadcast or recorded:
- Tickets are to be sold to the general public.
- All publicity and advertising materials (including posters) regarding the performance must clearly state that that is the case.
- The costs of additional staff and or overtime will be a cost to the hirer.
- Any additional lighting or other additional direct costs will be the responsibility of the hirer.
Arrangements to televise a performance cannot be entered into after tickets have been sold to the general public. The requirement to televise may result in the seating available for sale to the general public being reduced because of camera locations or other technical requirements. It is necessary for ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre to receive such information to enable the box office to sell an accurate seating plan.
Incoming television technical staff are subject to the control of theatre management to ensure the standards of performance retain the highest quality of stage presentation. In particular the cameras are not obtrusive and the lighting is not objectionable to the audience.
Public perfomance
The Hirer agrees to obtain all necessary copyright licenses for the public performance of any production in connection with the Hire Agreement and to indemnify the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council against all loss, expense or liability arising out of any breach of copyright or resulting from the Hirer’s public performance of music in connection with the venue Hire Agreement.
Venue promotion photographs
The Theatre reserves the right to take photographs of any event for promotion purposes only. Photographs taken will not be released for use by other organisations or media and will remain the property of the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council.
Stage door
The safety and security of all performers, musicians and back stage personnel is a responsibility of the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council under WHS legislation. All performers, musicians, backstage crew and other associated personnel are required to enter and exit the building by the stage door only.
Entry to ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre via the foyer by performers, musicians or crew during a performance run will not be permitted. If this condition is not adhered to at all times including rehearsal periods, the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council may employ additional staff at the Hirers expense to secure the front of house.
Performers in costume will not be permitted to enter the foyer at any time except in the case of costumed program sellers, as part of the performance or artists meeting the public after a performance by prior arrangement.
The Hirer must provide a list of authorised persons requiring backstage access to the Program Manager/Front of House Manager. The Hirer will ensure such people will carry appropriate ID.
Local crew /stagehands
The venue does not provide labour to assist with the bump in and bump out. We can provide you with the names of companies who can provide this service.
Role and responsibility of the house
The house is responsible for seeing that the venue is ready for the Hirer – that event security, ushers and first aid are all available. The house will provide staff on the day/night of the event to provide general assistance to the hirer.
Role and responsibility of the hirer
The hirer has a duty of care responsibility and is required to carry public risk insurance to the value required by the venue. The Hirer is obliged to obey all and any reasonable instructions given by the Program Manager and the Front of House Manager as to the use of and access to and from the facility.
Traffic and parking
‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre can be accessed from Rutledge and Lowe Streets. There is parking for approx 160 on the site. There are no fees payable for general parking at events. Please note that on a weekday there is limited parking available in this area.
Designated parking areas can be found at the following locations:
-Queanbeyan Showground – access via the Lowe Street entrance.
-Rutledge Street Carpark – access via both Rutledge Street and Crawford Street which also have limited on-street parking.
Services and facilities
Dressing rooms and shared laundry facilities are available for use by the Hirer. The artists green room is available for production members only. ‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre will charge for backstage and front of house items used for the production. These are known as consumables.
Alcohol management
‘The Q’ – Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre has a fully licensed bar and provides alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages which can be purchased before and after each performance as well as during intermission. Catering and private rooms for functions such as after show parties can be arranged.
The venue strives to promote a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all patrons in attendance at the venue. In order to assist staff with alcohol related matters the following guidelines have been established.
- Patrons will not be allowed to possess or consume alcoholic beverages in the venue that have been purchased elsewhere.
- Alcohol can be sold by the venue from the bar or other designated area.
- Some events will prohibit minors from defined bar premises and other areas will be out of bounds for liquor consumption.
- Trading times of outlets may be varied at the discretion of the venue licensee.
- Signage denoting 18 years of age intoxication policy and responsible consumption of alcohol will be erected in prominent locations.
- No one will be allowed into the venue whilst under the influence of alcohol.
- It will remain the right of the venue to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages during any event.
- Management reserves the right to check a patron’s identification.
All Hirers of the venue are required to have public liability insurance. At a minimum the level should be no less than $20 million for any one occurrence. Failure to have the appropriate level of public liability will render the hirer ineligible to stage the event in the venue. A copy of the Certificate of Currency for this policy must be provided to Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council prior to the commencement of the hire period.
Prohibited items
Patrons are not permitted to bring alcohol, dangerous weapons, laser pointers, professional cameras, sound recording and audio/video equipment into the venue during the event. The use of Pyro technics or naked flame is also prohibited throughout the performance unless otherwise discussed with theatre management prior to the hire. The venue is also a non smoking area.
Venue staff will conduct visual searches at the entrance. Persons with prohibited items will be advised of venue policy. Patrons may dispose of these items return them to their vehicle or leave them in the cloakroom.
Occupational Health and safety
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council has an occupational health and safety strategy that seeks the continued development and maintenance of safe and healthy workplaces throughout the venue and in all matters concerning the well being of staff visitors and Hirers of facilities.
All Hirers must have regard and compliance with:
- Risk assessment and management.
- Compliance with directives from Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council relating to issues of safety management.
- Induction by Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council staff relating to the following areas:
- Evacuation.
- Risk compliance.
- Shared environment.
- Fire proofing.
- Electrical Equipment which must have a current tag for proof of compliance.
All Hirers of the venue (including staff and subcontractors) are expected to adhere to the requirements of Council policy.
Electrical safety procedures
The Hirer agrees to comply with the requirements under the NSW Work Health and Safety ACT, that all electrical equipment brought to the venue comply with Australian Standards. This means that all electrical equipment brought to the venue shall display a current approved safety test tag.
The NSW Work Health and Safety Act imposes a duty of care on employers suppliers and installers of plant and equipment to conform to the Australian electrical safety standards.
Emergency procedures
Should an evacuation be required, the Front of House Duty Manager will act as the evacuation controller and will ensure that all patrons are advised over the public address system to evacuate the venue in an orderly manner and that emergency services are notified.
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council are responsible for the decision to evacuate the building and will arrange for their staff to open all exits including the back loading dock. Designated technicians will shut down all electrical equipment with the exception of the house lights. A member of the venue staff will be dispatched to await the arrival of the emergency services and advise them of the situation.
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